
Sims 4 Starter Home Floor Plan

Jaeda loves playing "The Sims." She loves building, and creating actually fun storylines! She has been playing "The Sims" since she was eight!


Playing The Sims iv can be so much fun! Merely not anybody finds it fun to build. Non everyone finds it fun to apply cheats! Hither we discuss ways to make building a little easier, and not needing to utilise freerealestate on. If that is what appeals to you, that's fine! Keep reading if you desire to know how to build the perfect starter home!

Create a playtester Sim first.

Create a playtester Sim kickoff.

Before Edifice

To continue track of your spendings, I observe it easiest to create your family unit Earlier building their home. Even if you aren't making it for a specific family, create a playtester Sim, like mine. (You can discover her on the gallery—Jaedarian1 is my ID and she is chosen "Playtester.")

If yous make a larger family, you volition start with more than funds automatically. You can use them if you like, or simply build with your playtester Sim and then move your family in after.

Build small, build smart.

Build pocket-sized, build smart.

Getting Started

The smaller the lot, the cheaper the lot! At that place are advantages to choosing a smaller lot to build your starter home on, merely the main advantage would have to be the lower toll. I effort and pick a 20x15 or 30x20. For this build, I take chosen a 20x15. Another advantage of a smaller lot is that you CANNOT build a huge home! This is very beneficial hither considering it limits y'all to using fewer objects.

The offset affair you lot will do once moving your family unit is to start on the exterior walls!

Here are some tips I accept when starting your exterior walls.

  • start with a box in the center(ish) of your lot. My box in the picture is 8x7.
  • add crash-land-outs around the box to requite your firm a petty more dimension. I have added 4 that all mirror each other, only do it however you desire!
  • After this, I will delete the extra interior walls that I practise not want! (Pictured below.)
  • I take also added two porch pieces, 1 in the back and one in the front end.

Tip: walls can be expensive, and so try and keep them to a minimum!

Roofs and foundations are free!

Roofs and foundations are complimentary!

Roofing and Foundation

Skillful news! Both of these features are Complimentary. These are very like shooting fish in a barrel ways to make your business firm look really good, or non and then practiced!

Starting with the foundation. You lot can raise your house as little or as much equally desired. This is costless, and really is a preference! Don't forget your foundation pigment!

Onto the covering:

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  • put i big roof piece onto your initial box that y'all created. I like to ever use a gabled roof for this.
  • Fill in the residual of the roof pieces on your bump-outs!
  • Add roof trim and shingles. These items are besides gratuitous and add so much value to the home!
This can be expensive!

This tin can exist expensive!

Doors, Windows, and Siding OH MY

Depending on your manner this function can be spendy!

Attempt and option inexpensive even so tasteful doors and windows! If you accept the Parenthood game pack I recommend the windows that I used because they're HUGE yet merely $xxx!

Picking a perfect front door tin can be catchy. You want it to sort of look similar a front door, but cheap at the same fourth dimension! Mine was but $175, peachy!

Outside pigment tin make or break a firm. Picking the right color is then important! Hither I went with a greyness "clapboard crush."

A basic porch.

A basic porch.


I actually decided to take my back porch off of the build and make my forepart porch a little bigger. I realized that I didn't really have that much dorsum k to work with, and a porch was an unnecessary expense.

Here you'll want to pick inexpensive stairs, fencing, and railing (if desired). I used the argue and railing from seasons, and the "unremarkable staircase."

Don't forget to add floor to the porch, and I like to use terrain paint (because information technology is complimentary) every bit a path to the porch. Don't forget a mailbox and outdoor trashcan!

Save money by saving landscaping for last.

Relieve money by saving landscaping for last.


Finally, we are moving to the inside of the house.

Merely WHAT About LANDSCAPING?? Landscaping is something I like to practice at the cease to brand sure I accept plenty coin to get what I need inside!

If you're similar me, y'all are moving into the interior of the business firm with just under $15,000. This is a great corporeality to be able to utilise on the interior!

Floorplans can exist hard to figure out, merely I take a few tips to make it a little easier!

  • I like to have my kitchen with an outside wall. It is very realistic.
  • I like to put my bedrooms towards the back of the house.
  • I like to put my living room near the front door.
  • To save a little money on walls having the kitchen and dining room exist an open flooring plan is helpful. (You could get out the living room open also, but closing information technology off makes it a lilliputian cozier.)
Light is a necessity, but the fixtures don't need to look pretty.

Light is a necessity, merely the fixtures don't demand to look pretty.


Every builder is unlike, but I usually could care less about what kind of light fixtures I accept in my abode. I usually take the "super subtle saucer light" and identify it in every room. ESPECIALLY, in starter home builds because they are stupid cheap!

Use an archway to open up the dining room area.

Utilize an entrance to open the dining room expanse.

Interior Doors

I used the season's interior doors because they are very cheap, and I also used one archway to open up the dining room expanse.

The bathroom is one of the easiest rooms to furnish.

The bath is ane of the easiest rooms to furnish.


I like to start with the bathroom considering it is, in my opinion, the easiest room to furnish.

If you take toddlers or pets in your family, you will need to take a bathtub. The tub shower combos are very expensive. It is cheaper to get a separate tub and shower—if y'all accept the room for both.

I used the cheapest toilet bachelor in the game.

I did choose a petty bit more than of an expensive sink, just I think the other options are not equally cute! Exercise not forget a mirror higher up the sink! This is useful for a lot of functions in Live Mode.

If you are going to choose one expensive thing for the living room, make it the TV.

If you are going to cull 1 expensive thing for the living room, brand information technology the TV.

Living Room

I chose to do the living room adjacent because it is small and also like shooting fish in a barrel to furnish.

Living rooms can get expensive for i main reason . . . TVs! If you want a nicer, more expensive Boob tube make certain yous compensate for it with cheaper article of furniture.

A cheap rug, lamp, and plant can really necktie the whole space together.

So small!

And so small!


I have quotations effectually word entryway because it is and so small I'm not certain y'all can call it that. I have the Seasons expansion pack then I added a thermostat, an cranium decoration bac, and an umbrella holder.

I as well added a carpet and coat rack!

Don't forget a trashcan!

Don't forget a trashcan!


I concluded up using the Parenthood counters because they are not that much more expensive than the cheap ugly, base game counters. Another reason I chose them is that they take a "farmers" sink that matches the counters. And it is Manner cheaper than buying a counter and so buying a sink. Don't forget a trashcan for the kitchen!

Keep the dining room small.

Continue the dining room small-scale.

Dining Room

Dining rooms tin can be tricky to furnish if they're likewise big. I always attempt to accept a small dining room that style I do not accept to add much besides the dining table! A centerpiece, carpet, and floor plant tin can fill the room up easily!

Ever bedroom needs a computer.

Ever bedroom needs a figurer.


I was getting pretty low on funds, so this bedroom turned out pretty plain. I think every build needs a figurer of some sort considering they are essential to gameplay. Also, the bed is on a half-tile. This IS usable on both sides. I similar to put carpeting in bedrooms, to make them seem cozier.

Last but not least!

Last only not least!


I ended up putting a few pieces of landscaping!

Permit me know what y'all recall of this build, and if there are any tips that you would've added! You tin find this starter dwelling house in the gallery. My ID is Jaedarian1 and it is chosen "Starter Home." It ended up only being $18,615!


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